Saturday 26 December 2015

LUSH! //Boxing Day 2015

Happy Day After Christmas Day! ie: Boxing Day!

The sales have now all started in mostly every shop, so everyone can spend their Christmas money. 

There isn't anything I really want to buy with my money, but what I did want to spend £10 or so on was Lush. 
Right before I get on with this, lush website for UK is the most rubbish website for when it comes to sales! Literally rubbish, it crashed millions times on me this morning, you had to wait in a que and then was only allowed 10 minutes to shop! Which then end up crashing! 
So my mum said that she will take me down to Lush and then I can buy everything I want there! 

I spent just over £8 on 5 products, which is amazing! All of the Christmas products all had 50% off. 
I brought: 
- Candy Mountain (bubble bar)
-Golden Wonder (bath bomb)
-Luxury Lush Pud (bath bomb)
-2x Star Dust (bath bomb - 1 for me and 1 for my Mum) 

As you might beable to tell that I do prefer bath bombs than anything else that Lush sells, as I really like watching them fizz! 
The lighting is rubbish, I am so sorry! 
For Christmas my Dad, Mum and Santa also brought me some lush aswell!

-Sex Bomb (bath bomb) 
-Star Dust (bath bomb)
-Butterbear (bath bomb)
-Dashing Santa (bath bomb)
-Snow Fairy (shower gel)

Now I have a huge selection of really nice Lush products to use and in the bath and shower. 
My favourites this year are Golden Wonder and Star Dust. 

I hope you spent lots of your money in the sales too!

Amy x

-If you do not celebrate Christmas, then I hope you had a nice  day yesterday! 


  1. They look lovely Amy,I've been online sale shopping all day. Not that I've bought anything yet. Xx

  2. Oooh, you got some bargains! I've never used any of these bath bombs before.

    Tash x

    1. You should definitely try golden wonder xx

  3. I didn't know that Lush would have stuff on sale so I'm definitely going to check their website out now. Thanks for this post.


  4. Good choices in bath bombs and bubble bar. I love all of them.

  5. looks like you got some nice things, i've still yet to try their bath bombs!

    danielle | avec danielle
