Saturday 2 January 2016

Are You Who You Are// 2015-2016

Today, I would like to share with you a bit more of my personal life! I am not going to go to in to every topic as what I said its my personal life. 

So where do I begin? 
Looking back on last year, its not really a year I would like to remember, I do in some parts but mostly not in a lot of parts

Highlights of last year are all mainly before September, I went to France with my school, went to Wembley, watched Take That, went to Alton Towers, had a lot of fun days out!
I had a lot of days out with friends that I used to be so friendly with and some of those days are memoires, but the friends aren't. 

Last year I went through so many friendship groups and yes I still now don't have a proper friendship group! I think I went through at least 3 different types of groups.
I do  have friends yes,I do! 
However they are part of groups that I just don't get along with. 
I tend to find myself feeling awkward among a lot of people, its fine when there are only 3 of us or so.  I do get along with a lot of people, its just doesn't feel right. 
This year I  do want to find a group where I am comfortable with and will enjoy being with them at school.
I do have 2 really good friends called Sophie and Caitlin, who I have been friends with for years via clubs!

I also, this year want to be more happy, I found myself just after September becoming really sad (I wouldn't really say sad, just getting upset for no reason) and just worrying  all the time. I am a worrier, I worry about the most stupid things ever!
For an example, I don't worry about tests, I worry what will happen after I got my level back. 
So far this year I have been more positive in myself and feeling a lot more happy.

Health, I want my health to maintain good, I've always have had a good health, however October/November time I found myself beginning  to get a lot of chest pains and since then I have been  forwards and backwards from doctors appointments, but it is all getting sorted out and hopefully time the end of January comes, I will know what the problem is! 

Last middle August time, I wanted to get fit and loose just a bit of weight, as no clothes suited me right. I do want to carry on with what I am doing, eating healthy, bike rides, zumba, walking lots as I actually have really enjoyed it!

This year I also want to change my blog up a bit and not do what everyone else is doing like Beauty, fashion, I want it to be a bit of everything and anything! I have recently found myself doing the same thing over and over again! I want this blog to represent me , with being bright and colourful.
I want to make it more unique and special!
I am going to spend more time on every post,which may mean I won't upload as often but they will hopefully be more enjoyable.  and better quality.

I have a lot planned that I am doing this year and I want to document it all here on my blog and  I also want to scrap book a lot of it too!

Amy x


  1. This year I have also learnt a lot about my friendships and who my real friends are. The girls that I would have said I was closest to turned out to not be who I thought they were. If you ever want to talk then I'm here and I hope you have a good year! xxx


  2. I agree so much, on that! Ones your trust so much turn so rude and mean! Xx thank you kate xx

  3. Sure I would be happy to follow each other. I am following you now on GFC, hope you follow me back. I can definitely relate to your post, it can be so tough working out who your real friends are, I still have a lot of sadness from how friendships have changed. I admire your goals for the year and wish you the best with it. Fitness and health are great goals. I am also focusing on running and swimming a lot which I hope will have many positive lifestyle benefits.

    1. Thank you, I have follow you back!
      Good Luck to you too xx

  4. Lovely post Amy, I can see that you've been through a lot in 2015 and I hope 2016 can be better for you. I want to become more positive and just smile more because I don't smile enough x

  5. I know you've had a tough 2015, but you've come out the other end, and I wish you all the best for 2016. This year I want to drink more water x
