Thursday 22 October 2015

Autumn Walks

 Autumn walks are one of the best things, I could ever think of to do in the autumn! Hearing all the leaves crunching, when you stamp on them, all the leaves changing colours and especially the cold, sunny mornings. 

So today me and my mum went to Dyrham Park, this was my first time going and I was so excited to go, everyone says it is amazing and it truly was! I definitely recommend going, if you live near by! It is very photogenic! 

Dyrham Park, is known for having lots of wild deers and I was really looking forward to see some, we were walking down a path and lots of people were taking photos and we thought it was a statue for the start, but the closer we got the clearer it became and it turned out to be 3 deers altogether. I managed to get some really good shots!

The deers were so calm with everyone taking photos, I was a bit scared at the start just in case the male (the one with big antlers), would come and attack me, but luckily he didn't! Altogether I must of saw about 8 and they were all chilled and didn't mind anyone going up to them.

A lady, who worked at Dyrham Park, told us that the really big male was out today behind the house and that it is really rare to see him in front of everyone. There is an area boarded with wire, for the female deers to have a break from the males but the males tend to go underneath the wire and join the females. I think deers are really cute and they also the males remind me of Santa's reindeers, which gets me excited for Christmas!

Right at this minute they are redoing the house roof as 90% of it kept leaking water into the house, the house is very old and have a lot of history with it! Back in January 5 men put scaffolding up around the house to help the builders and they decided to make a path kind of thing, going all the way around the top of the house where visitors are allowed to go up to see what the builders are up to and of course see the view! Me and my mum walked all the way up the stairs and it was amazing when we got to the top!

We also went to the gardens and up through the woods, we found lots of tree stumps carved into shapes they were extremely good!
The gardens were so pretty and there was alot of unique things in the garden, I would dream to have a garden like Dyrham Houses! We found a cute little pond with lots of ducks, who were making a lot of noise, properly wanting bread, as they always do! Around the pond was lots and lots of flowers,

 which were very photogenic, I took a lot more than these ones, but these are the best ones! 

 We then carried on our walk around the gardens and found lots of different benches and we also found lots of love arches, how sweet! 

For being a term holiday, it was very quiet! I highly recommend going to Dyhram park, especially this holiday as there is a Halloween trail, which I was so tempted to ask my mum if I could do it!

I hope you all had a wonderful day!
I will not be uploading this frequently, I just really want to get my blog going!
Remember to hit the follow button!
Amy x


  1. This is just brilliant sweetheart, I really enjoyed reading it and your pictures look great. xxx
