Sunday 28 February 2016

Liebster Tag Award Nomination//2016

I would just like to say Thank You so much to everyone!
I've been nominated for the  Libster Tag Award by Liv -
So Thank You Liv for nominating me.

1) Who is your favourite blogger and why?
mmmmm, this is hard, I will probably say Petiteellie -
She is so true and everything she writes is very relatable in some way to everyone!

2) Do you watch youtubers, if so, who are your favourites?
Yes, I do watch Youtube, some of my favourites are- 
Olivia Grace
Floral Princess -
Everyday Jim -

3) Do you have any pets?
I have 2 dogs, a Springer Spaniel called Molly and a Rottweiler called Tess. I also have like 20 Koi fish!

4) Favourite song at the moment?
I don't really listen to music, the only time when I listen to music is in the  car, but I have quite been loving When We Were Young by Adele -

5) What show did you watch all the time as a kid?
Good Luck Charlie! Best Disney show ever! 

6) Favourite time of the year (Easter, birthday, Christmas etc.)?
I do really like Christmas, but  it doesn't feel the  same anymore, same with birthdays! They both just feel like a normal day to me.

7) First thing you do in the morning?
It's obviously wake up! But otherwise go down stairs and make my breakfast.

8) Favourite treat to have?
Right at this moment, I've really been loving Milkey War Bars.

9) Where would you love to visit on holiday?
I've done a blog post on this -

10) Worst habit?
Ok right, I do this thing where I bend my neck down into my shoulders, I rub my knuckles to each other and I bit the skin around my fingers.

11) Why do you blog?
I blog truley because I like taking photos!

People who I  nominate- 

Weird Wonders (Mia) -
Isabella's Choice -
Itznicole -
Kate Rose -

My  question for you are- 

What's you favourite School subject? 
What do you want to be when you are older? 
Whens your birthday? 
Whats your favourite piece of clothing? 
Any holidays booked this year? 
Best Childhood memory? 
Worst childhood memory? 
Whats you favourite animal? 
Whats your favourite flower? 
Best hoilday you've ever been on? 

Amy x

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