Hi everyone, I have missed writing blog posts, so today I am going to share with you all my trip away to Paris.
Some of you know that I play the flute in my schools band, which I love doing so much. I was lucky enough to go to Paris for our schools Music Tour, which contains amazing people who are part of band and choir.
Monday 17th July 2017:
We left just after 6:30am, after we packed the coach with all the instrument, suitcases, music technology and of course all of us! We traveled to Dover, to catch the ferry over to Calais. It was great to get of the coach for an hour or so, to stretch our legs and have a walk around. Once we arrived in Calais, we traveled to where we will be staying till Friday. We stayed in a student accommodation. When we arrived we took all of our bags to our rooms and then we had tea, which wasn't the best!
Tuesday 18th July 2017:
Tuesday morning, we didn't have our hopes up that breakfast was going to be any good! To be honest it was alright but not the best. At around 9, we set of for our first day in Paris. Our first stop was the Montparnasse Tower:

Our next stop was to our first performance of the trip. We played on a band stand in the middle of a park, somewhere in Paris. It was so nice, lots of people stopped of and listened to us!
Our Final stop was to the river Seine for a boat trip. It was 35 degrees at this point, sunny pariee did not disappoint us!
Wednesday 19th July 2017:
Sunny pariee has now turned into windy pariee! Of we go to Notre Dame, to preform. I have to say, this performance was probably the funniest performance in a long time.
A random photo! |
After we preformed, we then got back onto the coach to go to aquaboulevard, which is a big swimming park, with so many slides and water sports. It was great fun!
Then here comes the traffic, travelling back to the hotel took longer than expected, Paris traffic is a nightmare!
After tea, we played out in the fields or around the hotel, playing football, pinball, a group of us done henna tattoos!
Thursday 20th July 2017:

The day everyone has been waiting for DISNEY! I'm not a huge fan of rides, but I had an amazing time. It was so fun walking around Disney, shopping (I brought an Olaf bowl, a magnet and some sweets), watching the parade. It so incredible, how much effort goes into Disney!
We left Disney around 6:30, to go to the Dream Castle Hotel, for our very last performance altogether before people leave in September to go to university or college.
Performing in such a massive open space, gave us the challenge of trying to stay together when playing as we couldn't here ourselves or each other. But from the video people recorded, it sounded amazing!
Friday 21st July 2017:
Home time! We left our hotel at 9:30am, and got the Euro Tunnel back to England at 4:20pm. I have never been on the euro tunnel, and it was so different to what I thought it was! All the way home we sang songs and had a laugh. We arrived back home at 8:20pm. It was sad, as it was all over and I wish it went on longer as I had so much fun and never laughed or smiled as much as I did in a week before!
I will never forget this amazing time!
Hope you enjoyed reading this
I will be doing lots more blogpost from now on.
Amy Rose xx